JumboTickets.com 100% Guarantee

JumboTickets.com 100% Guarantee:
We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee if:•Your order is accepted by, but not delivered by the seller
•Your order is accepted by, but shipped too late by the seller for the tickets to arrive in time for the event
•You were denied entry because of the tickets or invalid tickets were provided by the seller*
And, we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee if:
•Your event is cancelled entirely with no rescheduled date**
* Verifiable proof must be provided by the venue in written letter format. Written or stamped "voids" do not constitute verifiable proof.
** 100% refund for a cancelled event excludes shipping.
The JumboTickets.com guarantee means you are safe and secure!
Your tickets will always:
•arrive in time for the event•be real, legitimate tickets valid for entry
•be the exact tickets you ordered or comparable alternates
•be completely refunded (minus shipping) if the event is cancelled
Complete Text Of The Jumbotickets.com Guarantee:
JumboTickets guarantees that the following will be true for all event tickets ordered through JumboTickets.com.
All tickets are legitimate tickets, valid for entry.
All the tickets sold on JumboTickets are guaranteed to be authentic tickets valid for entry to the event concerned. Customers should contact their ticket seller ASAP if there is any problem using their tickets at the venue. Customers need to access evidence of invalidity from the venue in those cases when the ticketing issue is not resolved. JumboTickets requires this evidence in order to obtain a refund from the ticket seller who supplied the order. The evidence could range from a letter from the venue or even a simple email identifiably from venue personnel verifying that there was a problem scanning the tickets.
All tickets we deliver will be the same, equal, or better than what was originally requested.
JumboTickets expects the sellers who list tickets on our Exchange to provide the seating they advertise or else provide equal or superior seating. Sellers are expected to contact customers proactively to confirm any significant seating changes vis-à-vis the initial section and row of a ticket order. Customers should contact JumboTickets ASAP if they are unhappy with any alternate tickets and we will investigate the issue for the customer in order to reach an amicable conclusion.
All tickets will be delivered before the event itself.
All deliveries are made to the address listed by the purchaser in the appropriate textboxes during checkout. We guarantee that the tickets will be shipped to the purchaser in sufficient time so that at least one delivery attempt is made before the event occurs. Please note that the purchaser is responsible for making himself or herself available to receive delivery of the tickets when a delivery attempt is made. JumboTickets will coordinate with the ticket seller for compensation in those cases when sellers do not ship or do not otherwise deliver tickets in time for customers to access them for the event.
If an event is permanently cancelled, a refund will be issued.
JumboTickets will coordinate with the selling broker to provide the purchaser a full refund of the ticket order, excluding delivery fees. Please note that the ticket seller may require the purchaser to return the tickets prior to issuing a refund.
Still have questions about our Worry-Free Guarantee?
Please do not hesitate to e-mail us at Customersupport@jumbotickets.com or call us at 1-866-825-8995.